Over at Little Miss Momma she has a post about what kind of person she is. I figured...
why not?
Sounds fun.
I have some time to myself
Here's my list.
I'm weird because...
I love the smell of sweaty little boys hair.
I read all the time. Even when the TV is on.
I hate to empty the dishwasher. I will load it, no prob, but empty? Blah.
I can't stand sleeping with a top sheet.
I would rather watch an entire season in 3 nights on DVD then watch a show weekly.
I hide all candy and treats in my underwear drawer.
I eat 2 scrambled eggs at least every other day for breakfast. The other days... nothing.
Whenever possible, put potato chips on my sandwiches.
I quote movies even when I am alone.
My heart always skips a beat when I see a package on my porch.
I feel the need to feed people... all the time.
I don't babysit. Emergencies and dates only. No day in, day out babysitting.
I am 37 and still listen to my music too loud.
Anytime I am teaching or speaking in church I cry like a baby.
I wake my children on a Saturday morning by singing, very badly, Justin Beiber song Never say Never.
I can thread a needle super fast! (So the Little Lady says)
I am a bad friend because...
I avoid phone calls.
I speak my mind too much.
I will tell you the truth.
I am a good friend because...
I can keep a secret.
I can make you laugh.. HARD!
Once you are my friend you are my friend for eternity.
I will tell you the truth.
I am sad because...
Friends have moved away.
We are going to move away from friends.
My babies aren't babies anymore.
I am happy because...
My babies aren't babies anymore.
We are going to start a new adventure in our lives.
Hubby is done with school.
The living room I started renovating 2 years ago is all but done.
I am excited for...
Our new adventure.
Real mashed potatoes
3 days with no obligations.
Card games
Crafting with the Little Lady.
Eating too much turkey.
Making each child a homemade Christmas gift.
Thanks Ashley for sharing and for making me think. This was fun!
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