
Monday, February 28, 2011

A Thing of Beauty

I just wanted to share this picture with you.
This is a beautiful sight to me. 
I really have no idea. I looked at this pile of loveliness 

Friday, February 25, 2011

St. Paddy's Day Wreath

Our door is naked after Valentine's Day. 
I have decided to be more industrious and make something for the door each holiday. 
(I cheated and bought the heart day decor). 
First I found a styrofoam wreath, some ribbon on sale and some gold coins.
See my stash from the sale at Joann's this weekend!

I tried to wrap the ribbons together but that didn't work for me. In all my need for them to be spaced perfectly I wrapped the dark green grosgrain ribbon first, it took a spool and a half, and then the lighter ribbon using a ruler to evenly space it all out.

From my deep, dark drawer of felt I found some green to make some flowers. I also learned that taking pictures at night are not the best idea in the world. They always come out yellow.

 Here is the finished product out on the front door. I lurve it. It was fun and easy to make. 
The most expensive part was the wreath. It was $4.99. I had the felt, the light ribbon I found in the dollar bin, and the dark ribbon I used my handy dandy coupons. I did splurge on the gold coins, but that was $2.99 for 20. Multiple projects my friends! Overall cost??? I would say around 10 bucks. Not bad I say.
This picture I just have to share so you can see that it is snowing... again
More St. Patrick's Day crafts are in the works so keep an eye out!